Exciting Case Competition
Join us for a chance to showcase your skills and win big!
The Brief Case
Competition – A
Post-Graduate Business Student
✓ The BRIEF – Bold
Bold Resolutions
for an Innovative and Enduring Future.
Jobs for every
Talent for every role.
Case Competition
A Post-Graduate Business Student led case competition.
for an Innovative
and Enduring Future.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
John Doe
Company XYZ
The Brief Case Competition – Ignite your potential!
Join us in the pursuit of bold resolutions and an innovative future.
✓ Expand your network and connect with
✓ Showcase your talent and stand out from
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the Brief Case
The purpose of the Brief Case Competition is to provide jobs for every graduate and talent for every role by showcasing student talent and connecting
How can I participate in the competition?
To participate in the Brief Case Competition, you can apply as a post-graduate business student and showcase your skills and talent through the sponsored
What are the benefits of participating
By participating in the Brief Case Competition, you have the opportunity to show up, stand out,
How can my company sponsor a case?
To sponsor a case in the Brief Case Competition, please contact us for more information and partnership opportunities.
What is the Brief Case Competition?
The Brief Case Competition is a post-graduate business student-led competition that aims to ignite student talent and connect them with high-profile companies through sponsored
How can we help you?
We are here to assist you. Contact us for any inquiries or to sponsor a case.